THE RULE OBSERVED IS: Take the Bible literally wherein it is at all possible if symbolic, figurative or typical language is used, then look for the literal truth it intends to convey. Statements of fact and historical accounts are accepted as such. The general principle adhered to throughout the Dakes Bible is: literalizing instead of spiritualizing. Important Hebrew and Greek words are given with definitions various translations. In the Dakes Bible thousands of texts are amplified and there are many renderings from various versions. The purpose of the Dakes Bible is to give in one volume the helps a student of the Bible needs from many books - Bible Commentaries, Dictionary, complete Concordance, Dispensational Truth, Topical Text Book, Bible Synthesis, Doctrines, Prophetic Studies, and others. No Bible in the world has as many notes (35,000) as a Dakes Bible or as many cross references (500,000) as a Dakes Bible.
Read Dake Bible Online How To Identify Unhealthy.